
The Shooting Star


The initial album solely published in colour in its original French release, later appeared in English in 1961. Tintin, alongside Captain Haddock and European scientists, sets off on an Antarctic expedition to recover an enigmatic metal from a meteorite, racing against rivals.


Captain HaddockProfessor CalculusSnowyThomson & ThompsonTintin
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The Shooting Star is the first of the adventures that go straight to colour printing. Published in the French in 1941 and later translated and published in English in 1961.

In this unusual story we find Tintin, Snowy and Captain Haddock, and a cohort of European scientists. They are bound for the Antarctic on a high-stakes expedition.

The crux of the story revolves around their quest to retrieve an unidentified metal found within a meteorite. To make matters more difficult its crash-landed in the icy waters of the Antarctic. The cold weather means we get to see some interesting outfits for Tintin and Snowy!

However, their mission is not just a scientific pursuit; it’s a race against time and competitors, as they endeavour to secure the rare substance before their devious rivals can lay claim to it.

The Shooting Star ends well, with Captain Haddock arriving home to stock up on whiskey!

About this book:

  • Soft cover with gloss colour pages
  • 62 pages long
  • Currently published by Farshore
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You can’t escape my friend! I’ll truss you like a turkey!
Tintin in America