
English Books_Lotus

The Blue Lotus


Initially published in black and white in French in 1936, later colourised in 1946, and finally released in English in 1983, this narrative unfolds as Tintin journeys from Egypt to China amidst the war with Japan. Saving a young boy named Chang from drowning, they join forces to thwart the operations of drug traffickers.


ChangSnowyThomson & ThompsonTintin
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Here we have The Blue Lotus Tintin’s third adventure. First appears in black and white in French in 1936. Eventually revised and coloured in 1946, and finally reaching English readers in 1983.

After the adventure Cigars of the Pharaoh, Hergé felt he needed to plan Tintin’s adventures with more care. In The Blue Lotus Hergé does just that. Enter Chang Chong-chen (real person) helping Hergé refine his style.

This captivating story charts Tintin’s journey from Egypt to the tumultuous setting of war-torn China amidst the conflict with Japan. Tintin’s chance encounter with a young boy named Chang (character created by Hergé). Tintin rescues him from a flooded, they immediately become friends and mount a joint crusade against the malevolent forces of drug traffickers.

About the book:

  • Published in French in black and white 1936
  • Published and revised in colour in French in 1946 and 1974
  • Published in English in colour in 1983
  • Soft-cover with gloss paper pages
  • 62 pages
  • English publisher currently Farshore
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You can’t escape my friend! I’ll truss you like a turkey!
Tintin in America