Step into the thrilling world of Tintin with the Les Icônes series, featuring the unforgettable Rocket launch from “Destination Moon.” This hand-painted resin figurine stands at an impressive 43 cm tall, providing a detailed and dynamic representation of Professor Calculus’s journey to the moon. The figurine, measuring 19 cm x 19 cm, beautifully encapsulates the spirit of the adventure. A numbered edition, it comes presented in an elegant box with a certificate of authenticity, making it a prized collectible for devoted Tintin fans.
Les Icônes: Rocket Taking Off
Relive the iconic moment of Professor Calculus’s Rocket launch with this stunning resin figurine. Capturing the excitement from “Destination Moon,” this 19 cm x 19 cm x 43 cm tall piece is a must-have for Tintin enthusiasts.
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