Capture the spirit of Tintin’s adventures with this enchanting fridge magnet depicting a scene from “Red Rackham’s Treasure.” Tintin, accompanied by his loyal companion Snowy and the ever-amusing Captain Haddock, is beautifully portrayed as they walk towards Marlinspike Hall. Measuring 8 cm x 5.5 cm, this magnet is a nostalgic and visually appealing addition to your collection. Perfect for Tintin enthusiasts, it brings the beloved characters to life and adds a whimsical touch to your kitchen décor.
Tintin, Snowy & Haddock Walking to Marlinspike Magnet
Add a touch of Tintin magic to your fridge with this charming magnet. Featuring Tintin, Snowy, and Captain Haddock walking towards Marlinspike Hall from “Red Rackham’s Treasure,” this magnet measures 8 cm x 5.5 cm and is a delightful collectible for any Tintin fan.